Tuesday 7 October 2014

Ten pounds down and eating well.

Sunday was my weigh day and I lost another pound,ten pounds altogether, I am very pleased and am not putting pressure on myself at all. I have a wedding to attend in December and have not yet got an outfit, I am leaving it late because I would like to get a dress size smaller.My Nephew is getting married in August next year and would like to be a few dress sixes smaller by then.
In group the discussion was all about the tools we use to help us on our journey, I use my app on my phone to track my points and search foods and I also have the eating out and shopping guide books, I have the magazine too,I got the latest one in group. I also love the e-source that monthly members can use.I am an internet junkie and love Instagram,I follow other Weight watchers members and it is great because I can see what other members are cooking and eating in picture form and links to other Weight Watchers users pages. If you haven't heard of Instagram try the app,you can get it on your phone or tablet.You need to register and get an Instagram account and you join up once you have downloaded the app. You use hash tags # they are the link you use to see other peoples stuff and when you find things you like you can follow them.
With a little practice you will find it another great tool to use.
I agree with Sarah my leader if the apps,books and other resources are available why not use them.
One thing I am struggling with is exercise, I suffer with lower back pain and I can walk and swim but haven't done any form of exercise yet and really need to start. This week I have been suffering back pain so haven't started yet. I am convinced that once my body gets used to it I will lose more weight once I do start.

Today I have made a lovely soup,spicy roasted butter but squash and red pepper soup.it is so tasty and filling.
Here is the recipe if you would like it.
1 butter nut squash,peeled,de seeded and chopped into bite sized chunks
1 red pepper de seeded and quartered
1 red onion peeled and quartered
2 fat cloves of garlic left whole with skin on
1 red chilli halved and de seeded(optional)
300 ml of stock (any you prefer)
1 teaspoon of oil
ground black pepper

To make the soup even more tasty you roast the vegetables to bring out the flavour.
Get a shallow baking tray and put the vegetables on it,season with salt and pepper and pour the oil on top and coat the veg with the oil, the reason I don't peel the garlic is that it would burn,the skin protects it and it becomes a really sweet puree when cooked and squeezed out.
roast for 30 minutes on 180 stirring after 15 mins, check if the veg is tender if not put back in the oven until it is.
Once cooked turn the veg out into your blender removing the garlic from the skin make sure you squeeze all of the garlic in the blender,add about a third of the stock and blend until smooth and thick and then transfer it into a saucepan,add another third and stir,I like my soup thicker if you like yours thinner then add all of the stock, heat through and serve.

Be back soon,have a great week. Dawn x

Monday 8 September 2014

Got my first silver seven

Yeah, I lost 2lb this week and got my first silver 7 award, I am thrilled. I am not putting any pressure on myself and loss is a loss but I think 2lb is great.

The first of many I know it.

I have enjoyed this week so much and have eaten quite a lot and for the first time in a very long time have enjoyed the food guilt free. I have made French toast and berries for breakfast, had white bread, made turkey burgers,chilli and even had a KFC wrap and fries ! I love Weight watchers because there is nothing you can't have, it is about portion control and I love the Pro points, I have my daily and weekly allowances and I feel safe in the knowledge that I do have the weekly points for those little extras and treats and even a glass of wine.
So bring on the week ahead and the fantastic meals I am planning to cook and eat, my new mantra is Fail to
plan,plan to fail. I have all of my meals for the week planned and have shopped for the week too.
I know if I stick to my plan and use my points wisely that I will see a loss on those scales . I am also adding some exercise into my weekly routine too.
Have a great week , Dawn x

Monday 1 September 2014

Week 3 weigh-in

I went to my weigh-in last night and I lost 1lb, I was really pleased, I expect to lose between one and two pounds a week so am on track,I see this as a new healthy way of eating and am enjoying my meals and am never hungry. I have cooked sweet and sour chicken,made home made burgers and chilli. I used some of my weekly points for a treat and I decided I would have a fresh cream choux bun and for the first time for ages I didn't feel guilty about buying or eating it and it was worth every point. I also used my weekly points to add two vegetable spring rolls to my low fat sweet and sour chicken.
After weigh in I was baby sitting for my friend and as they were going to be late and my weigh in was at 7pm I took a WW Tikka Massala and a WW Naan bread and I had a small glass of red wine courtesy of my friend.
This morning for breakfast I had a cinnamon and raisin bagel with low fat spread and 2 Maxwell House Latte's,all pointed. For lunch I had a ham and low fat cheese and beetroot sandwich and a packet of crisps and a low fat yogurt. I am making chicken salad with new potatoes for dinner.Diet,what diet?
I enjoy going to group and our leader is so nice she is such a cheery soul and very upbeat and positive, the members are nice and friendly too and make everyone feel welcome.
I am looking forward to starting exercising this week as I have had a chest infection and couldn't go on my planned walks.
I have planned all of my meals for the week and have done a weekly shop, I will also be popping out for fresh things during the week, I use the e-source and my shopping guide to get ideas.
So have a good week, see you next time Dawn x

Monday 25 August 2014

Got confused, it doesn't take much

I went to my second weigh in last night after following the filling and healthy plus 49 points and to be honest I got myself into a mess and didn't weigh the things I should have. I went over my points by quite a lot but did manage to lose, it was just 1/2 lb but it was a loss. I am now on full points so I have a daily allowance plus weekly points for extras and treats, I have to learn to portion control and plan.I expect to see a better loss on Sunday when I get weighed. Sarah my leader told me that every loss counts and not to be disheartened and stick with it, I am not going to be too hard on myself and today is a new day.

x Dawn

Monday 18 August 2014

Week 1 Weight Watchers weigh in.

I had a great week on WW Simple Start and enjoyed creating yummy meals from my food list and still being able to have a small glass of wine, I made spicy turkey burgers, a filling chilli and a stir fry, I cook from scratch and use the app and e-source for ideas and have also found some face book groups and people on Instagram that are following WW and post photographs of meals and pro points values which I know I will find helpful as it is nice to get in touch with people who are getting great weight loss results.

My Niece got married on Saturday and the buffet was full of non simple start foods and at the time everyone was so hungry because it was late. I ended up having a tuna cob (brown),salad,mini pork pie,a samosa,a chicken drumstick and a few crisps, I steered clear of the beautiful desserts, I did however have 4 glasses of Rose wine. I was dreading my first weigh in because I didn't handle the food situation well but I was surprised to find out that I had lost 4lb!

If I had stuck to simple start at the wedding I could have lost much more but it does prove that it works and I have now been giving filling and healthy foods plus 49 weekly pro points too.

I am starting to track and this is the structure I need and am looking forward to creating some nice meals.

I hope you have a good week.

Dawn x

Monday 11 August 2014

I took the plunge and went to my first meeting,my cousin came with me as she was going on holiday the following day and didn't want to miss her weight in,she goes to a different groups but you can attend any meeting.I was pleased that I didn't have to go alone for my first time. My leader was really welcoming and everyone was friendly. I am following WW Simple start and am looking forward to a great week choosing foods from the list plus some guilt free treats too.so here goes.
 come back soon  x Dawn

Saturday 9 August 2014

First meeting tomorrow

I signed up on-line for the monthly pass for £10 for the first month offer and at first was thinking of just following the plan on-line but decided yesterday to go to a class because I need to be answerable to someone other than myself, I stopped following Slimming World last year and have put 3 stone on ! so doing it myself at home isn't such a good idea for me.I looked up my nearest classes and found one for a Sunday at 7pm at the local fitness centre and swimming pool which is perfect for me as I don't drive I know John is always here on a Sunday so he can take me and he can have half a beer in the local pub or a cuppa in the fitness centre coffee shop whilst waiting for me.
I just take the voucher I printed off to class, the voucher is valid for one month for classes,internet access to the WW members site and phone app which I will find really useful.
So wish me luck because I know walking in that room full of strangers and facing up to the reality of how much I weigh is so daunting but I have decided to tackle it at a pound a time and not look at the bigger picture.
I have done a shop as I have been online and looked at the foods on the plan and think I am prepared so for now I am signing off, I have a few naughty things in the cupboard to dispose of eat before my first weigh in.
Dawn x

Friday 8 August 2014

Day 1 ....I have joined Weight Watchers today !

I have decided to become a member of Weight Watchers and today I have signed up for the monthly pass as there was an offer on,sign up for £10 for the first month. I am excited and nervous at the same time but this is the heaviest I have ever been, I am 53,I have high blood pressure and a dodgy back. I have to and want to be healthy,fitter and slimmer.
So please feel free to join me on my adventure, this is not a diet for me but a new way of eating, a complete lifestyle change. It may take a while but I am in it for the long haul.
I do not want to reveal my starting weight until later on but I will share my losses (and heaven forbid gains) and will also share recipes and hopefully videos too if I can manage to get them on here I am not too technical but will have a go.I am not a fan of gyms so instead I will be walking,swimming and trying to master the pilates machine that has been gathering dust for over two years!
I welcome comments and if you have a blog please feel free to put a link in your comment too.
So let the countdown of those pounds begin.

Dawn x