Monday 8 September 2014

Got my first silver seven

Yeah, I lost 2lb this week and got my first silver 7 award, I am thrilled. I am not putting any pressure on myself and loss is a loss but I think 2lb is great.

The first of many I know it.

I have enjoyed this week so much and have eaten quite a lot and for the first time in a very long time have enjoyed the food guilt free. I have made French toast and berries for breakfast, had white bread, made turkey burgers,chilli and even had a KFC wrap and fries ! I love Weight watchers because there is nothing you can't have, it is about portion control and I love the Pro points, I have my daily and weekly allowances and I feel safe in the knowledge that I do have the weekly points for those little extras and treats and even a glass of wine.
So bring on the week ahead and the fantastic meals I am planning to cook and eat, my new mantra is Fail to
plan,plan to fail. I have all of my meals for the week planned and have shopped for the week too.
I know if I stick to my plan and use my points wisely that I will see a loss on those scales . I am also adding some exercise into my weekly routine too.
Have a great week , Dawn x

Monday 1 September 2014

Week 3 weigh-in

I went to my weigh-in last night and I lost 1lb, I was really pleased, I expect to lose between one and two pounds a week so am on track,I see this as a new healthy way of eating and am enjoying my meals and am never hungry. I have cooked sweet and sour chicken,made home made burgers and chilli. I used some of my weekly points for a treat and I decided I would have a fresh cream choux bun and for the first time for ages I didn't feel guilty about buying or eating it and it was worth every point. I also used my weekly points to add two vegetable spring rolls to my low fat sweet and sour chicken.
After weigh in I was baby sitting for my friend and as they were going to be late and my weigh in was at 7pm I took a WW Tikka Massala and a WW Naan bread and I had a small glass of red wine courtesy of my friend.
This morning for breakfast I had a cinnamon and raisin bagel with low fat spread and 2 Maxwell House Latte's,all pointed. For lunch I had a ham and low fat cheese and beetroot sandwich and a packet of crisps and a low fat yogurt. I am making chicken salad with new potatoes for dinner.Diet,what diet?
I enjoy going to group and our leader is so nice she is such a cheery soul and very upbeat and positive, the members are nice and friendly too and make everyone feel welcome.
I am looking forward to starting exercising this week as I have had a chest infection and couldn't go on my planned walks.
I have planned all of my meals for the week and have done a weekly shop, I will also be popping out for fresh things during the week, I use the e-source and my shopping guide to get ideas.
So have a good week, see you next time Dawn x